Has the IRS garnished your wages or levied on your bank account? Do you have unfiled tax returns? Or have you received a notice from the IRS that your tax return has been selected for audit?
You do not need to face this alone. Our Firm’s founder, Robert V. Boeshaar, has 14 years of experience as an attorney for the IRS and knows how to help. We are committed to helping you reduce your liabilities, set up a payment plan, or postpone payment indefinitely. We will help you find the best resolution of your tax dispute so that you can move on with your life.
Call us now at (206) 623-0063 (24 hours/7 days a week) to schedule a phone consultation or schedule a phone consultation online with us below. We will answer your questions, tell you about potential options, and let you know how we may be able to help you.
The IRS will not go away and waiting will only make matters worse, so call today.