Don’t Pay a Penny More Than You Owe
When people get an income tax bill from the IRS, they often get scared and immediately assume they will have to come up with the cash to make the payment. The fact is, however, that it is not uncommon for the IRS to make mistakes when determining a tax liability for a business or individual.
We help people stop IRS collection actions and ensure any payments to the agency are justly due and for the correct amount. If you believe that the IRS has made an error in determining how much (if any) you owe, get in touch with us right away. Our attorneys will be more than happy to look through your records and work on your behalf to get your tax liability decreased or even eliminated if possible.
Potential IRS Errors in Determining Tax Liability
- IRS classified business income as personal income
- IRS refused to accept business expenses
- Taxable income incorrectly calculated
- Issues related to a divorce
- Issues related to bankruptcy
No matter what is wrong with the IRS’s claims, we will get to the bottom of the situation and work with the IRS on your behalf to get the issue corrected. Our experienced tax attorneys have successfully worked with the IRS for years, and we will do everything in our power to ensure that you are fairly treated and that you only have to pay what you rightfully owe when it comes to income tax liability disputes.